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Zoom Private Dog Training Cali K9®

Zoom Private Dog Training (Returning Clients)


If you need focused attention and want to spend time one on one with a professional dog trainer, then the Private Zoom Training is perfect for you. During your 5 Private Zoom Sessions with our lead trainer you will be able to target specific bad behaviors your dog is exhibiting and get rid of them for good. And with our motivation based training your dog will have a great time becoming more obedient.


 Private Zoom Training Sessions 


Get personalized dog training from anywhere in the world. These classes are one-on-one sessions between the trainer and the dog parent, conducted over the Zoom video conferencing platform. Private Zoom classes allow the trainer to focus entirely on your dog and tailor the training program to suit your dog's specific needs, behavior, and temperament. This individualized attention can lead to more effective and targeted training from the comfort of your home or any location with an internet connection. This flexibility makes it easier to fit training sessions into your schedule without the need to travel to a physical location

Cali K9 Zoom Training

Working with a private trainer in a more intimate setting can help strengthen the bond and trust between you and your dog, fostering a positive learning experience. With 15 years of experience giving training to all dogs of any breed or any size Cali K9 has developed carefully curated private zoom classes which lead to harmonious training sessions and faster results. 

What is included: 

  • 5 Private Zoom Sessions with our Lead Trainer. (30 mins per session) 

** for continued training

  • In person group training classes to maintain your dog’s obedience in a social setting. 
  • Online group zoom training classes so you can learn how to sustain consistency with the training.

Owner participation in the training process is essential for success. Your dog will have mastered his basic obedience commands while in training. Your role as "Pack Leader" is fundamental to your dog's continuing success. Upon completion, you will have the tools necessary to ensure a smooth transition home.


Equipment needed:

  • An elevated platform, training box or cot, training pedestal, place box, or cato board is required.
  • A slip lead or a collar.
  • A treat bag full of training treats.
  • A computer or phone with internet access

Cali K9 Zoom Training Kits


  • Dogs must be at least 4 months of age for on-leash-only training.
  • Participants must agree to all terms, conditions and policies at checkout and also provide additional written documentation prior to scheduling.
  • No refunds for board & train contracts after 72 hours of checking out.



What to Expect

What your dog will learn

Your dog will receive training on on-leash obedience training, targeted behavior training, and you will be given daily exercises to continue the training at home for the long-term.

What your daily exercises will include:

15 minutes a day! 15 minutes is all that is needed to maintain the progress your dog has made with the private zoom training program. You will be given exercises and training techniques that you will implement daily to help your dog maintain the obedience they received during the zoom sessions.

What safe socialization means:

Safe socialization in dog training refers to the process of introducing and exposing a dog to various people, animals, environments, and experiences in a positive and controlled manner. The goal of socialization is to help the dog develop confidence, good behavior, and appropriate social skills, reducing the likelihood of fear, anxiety, and aggression in different situations. Remember that each dog is unique, and some dogs may be more sensitive or fearful than others. The professional dog trainers at Cali K9 learn your dog's individual personality and temperament and slowly and gradually guide them through the socialization process.

What obedience training includes:

At The End Of The Training Your Dog Will Have Mastered The Following: Sit, Down, Stay, Heel, Come, Be less reactive to distractions (dogs, people & noises) Have better manners (With Humans & Other Dogs)

What targeted behavior training means:

Targeted behavior training refers to a focused and specific approach to teach a dog particular behaviors or skills. Targeted behavior training hones in on teaching a dog a single behavior at a time. We first identify the specific behavior or skill that we want the dog to learn. It could be something basic like "sit" or "stay," or a more complex behavior like "heeling" while walking. Once the desired behavior is identified, it is broken down into smaller, manageable steps. This helps the dog understand and learn the behavior more effectively.

We define clear and achievable goals for each training session. This helps both the trainer and the dog stay focused on the specific behavior being targeted. Positive reinforcement is a key element of targeted behavior training. It involves rewarding the dog with treats, praise, or toys when they exhibit the desired behavior. This positive feedback reinforces the behavior and encourages the dog to repeat it. Repeating the training sessions regularly and consistently helps the dog solidify the new behavior in their repertoire. Targeted behavior training is effective because it allows for a clear focus on individual skills, which can be especially helpful for dogs with specific behavior issues or those learning more advanced commands.

What obedience training includes:


Use a positive voice tone and a hand signal at the same time, your hand should be in front of him with the palm up.


From a sit position, the dog should lay down next to you. If you are including hand signals, you would put your palm down and move your arm in a downward motion. Make sure he can see your hand


This means “Wait here until I come back”. If the dog breaks the command, put him back where he started and repeat the exercise. By returning to him instead of calling to him, you build a more consistent response of waiting for you to return.


Your dog knows how to walk on a loose leash on your left side. He should follow you (at your heel) regardless of change of pace, direction, or when you stop. He should not be walking in front of or lagging behind.


This command should interrupt any activity and your dog should come running to you. “Come” is always positive. For best results squat down and say your dog’s name then “come”.

About Calli K9 Training Method

Cali K9 Dog Training Method

Why our method works

Our proprietary dog training system is recognized as one of the best systems in the world and our reviews, testimonials and client track record can confirm that. Our system has been evolving since 2009: Obedience, Socialization, Agility, Behavior Management and Problem Solving Techniques. Any issues you are having with your dog will be addressed and solved using this training method that guarantees results. Using the Cali K9 Method we use motivational based training to keep training a game for the dog. We call the dog being motivated “ignition” and describe the training process as “gamified.” Our 5 pillar proprietary training method adapts to your dog’s specific needs and your training goals.

What obedience training includes:


Build the foundation for an obedient and well behaved furry best friend. Through well organized training sessions, your dog will become less distracted, more focused on you and become responsive to your commands.


Create confidence and adaptability in your canine through positive socialization experiences. Proper socialization is essential for a well rounded and well adjusted dog, making interactions with other pets and people more harmonious.


Agility training unleashes your dog’s full potential. Enhance their coordination, and mental problem solving skills through engaging and fun exercises that keep their body engaged and their mind active.

Behavior Management

Behavior Management: Identify and modify unwanted behaviors using motivational based training and positive reinforcement. Excessive barking, jumping or even more complex issues will become a thing of the past. Your dog will be guided toward more desirable behavior patterns by our team of skilled trainers.

Problem Solving Techniques

Approaching each dog’s individual challenges we use care, expertise and our training methods to suit their needs. Our mission is to empower dog owners with problem solving techniques to overcome obstacles and build a long lasting and loving relationship with their canine.

What obedience training includes:


Use a positive voice tone and a hand signal at the same time, your hand should be in front of him with the palm up.


From a sit position, the dog should lay down next to you. If you are including hand signals, you would put your palm down and move your arm in a downward motion. Make sure he can see your hand


This means “Wait here until I come back”. If the dog breaks the command, put him back where he started and repeat the exercise. By returning to him instead of calling to him, you build a more consistent response of waiting for you to return.


Your dog knows how to walk on a loose leash on your left side. He should follow you (at your heel) regardless of change of pace, direction, or when you stop. He should not be walking in front of or lagging behind.


This command should interrupt any activity and your dog should come running to you. “Come” is always positive. For best results squat down and say your dog’s name then “come”.